Recording Drums
Recording Drums, Percussion - & Dealing with People Who Like to Hit Things 1 Here at The Coolest Recording Studio in London Town - we get a whole bunch of differing types of musicians - from rock steady session peeps - to those folks just trying to put forth their art the best way they know how. These are the folks that need a bit of groundwork - even before you start putting mics up, you need to sit 'em down - & have a little talk - be nice! They need to know. 1. It's not a gig - there's no one to impress here - so Do Not smash the shit out of your drums - & most importantly - your cymbals! If you do - you'll lose drum tone - & badly/harshly hit cymbals will make any ambient mics or overheads useless - you're looking to capture the whole kit with All the ambient mics - session drummers know this - so play the kit in a balanced & musical way. Put some work in - get it right - don't be the weak link that lets the band...