Studio oddities 1 - How to Make friends & Influence People
Recording Studio London Life ! Here at The Coolest Recording Studio in South London - we don't just make some of the finest sounding records - we help to mould them - by introducing our artists to various noise & sound generating equipment. This could be anything from recording tuning forks at half speed to generate spooky & odd harmonics to poking mics out of upper story windows & recording street noise & traffic to record interesting loops. Or ..... it could be old forgotten instruments - like the Casio range of digital guitars - recently used by Flight of the Concords - to great effect!! Recording studio toys - don't matter the cost if it's cool ! We were lucky enough to pick this one up - & it's already been used on a track by a very well known artist! It's packed with pcm sounds which maybe don't sound so good when played on a keyboard: Classic recording studio equipment But the odd way the strings react to p...