
Showing posts from February, 2020

Recording Studio London Releases Early 2020

Here at the Coolest Recording Studio in London Town - we work with All kinds of artists - from the up & coming to the Star in the ascendant - to the Star already born - and all sorts in between! Oddly enough - we have four of the studios' brightest & most wonderful releasing their respective Opuses (Opi???) this coming month - & here they are ...... in no particular order. Baba Ali Baba came to the studio last september (2019) with a bunch of (pretty messy) audio that needed editing, organising, mixing & producing. That we did - & in no time he had his first single released on Dangermouse's 30th Century Records - played All over the radio - yup .... put him on the map! Baba Ali - SHstudios artiste! Recording Studio London Roxy Rawson Roxy came into the studio in August to mix some pre recorded audio - it didn't quite cut it, so instead we spent two weeks recording her classical ideas & mixing in Much Much Bass & some ...