Songdog - Brand Spanking New Release !!

king krule recording studio


Here at The Coolest Recording Studio in South London - we've met some pretty tasty artists - and made some even tastier rekkids!
Like - King Krule's the Ooz (2018) & Man Alive (just out).
... plus Ghostpoet's Shedding Skin.
So how stoked are we - to have the inestimably cool Songdog release their new lp (made entirely in house) at Shstudios later this month!!
Superstoked I can tell ya!
Here's some pics of them in the studio:
songdog & tiger lillies meet tom waits at recording studio
Lyndon at Guitar
new nick cave songdog music
Lyndon & Carl
Musically they're a little hard to define - they are all multi instrumentalists, so write songs from both keyed & stringed instrument perspectives.
Generally it's Lyndon who writes the material, but both Carl & Dave add a lot in terms of timbre & feel - which concludes (if art ever concludes) in a mishmash gumbo of musics ranging from alt folk to Beatle-esque / Byrds-ish pop compositions to classic rock to world rhythm encapsulations - all capped with the astonishingly intelligent wordsmithery of the aforementioned Lyndon Morgans.
You don't have to be smart to appreciate them ...... but it helps.
They have been likened in previous album & live reviews to the following artists:
They being: Arcade Fire, Drive by Truckers, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Handsome Family, Kate Rusby, Neil Young, Nick Cave, Tiger Lillies, Thea Gilmore, Kate Walsh, Van Morrison & Kathryn Williams.
So ... yep - Songdog are pretty much one of our all time fave bands to have worked with.
They Even asked us to shoot a video for their first single from the new LP (A Happy Ending) - & we were only too happy to oblige. You can see it HERE:

So .... Feast your ears, & let your senses reel to the beauty of their newest - & possibly most lovely recording - you can get it Here.
And .... follow the band Here:
thea gilmore, tom waits & van morrison songdog new music


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