Creative Miking for Larger Than Life Space Creation !!!
Here at The Coolest Recording Space in London Town - we got The Science!
You can't always rely on the luxury of a huuuuge space to record your drums / guitars or bass in - so how do you make a drum kit sound huge - in a not so huge space?
Well ..... there are tons of ways to expand audio in post production using phase (non) alignment, compression, delays/reverbs - transient shapers etc - but all these methods can get to sounding a bit Processed! - how do we achieve a nice - natural sounding drum kit recording - by using a Big Assed ribbon mic! - & a tasty eq (either at source or in production).
So - you got a coupla spot mics on the drum skins - and a nice pair of overheads to capture the stereo spread - you're nearly there! What makes the difference though - is planting a large diaphragm ribbon mic right above the snare at overheads height - or - right above where the kick, snare & rack tom meet.

king krule working in the london recording studio with ghostpoet

You can control the toms & mid content by equalising out any boomy mid frequencies - this will also give the mic more "perceived" distance from the kit. 
If you've used a good preamp & captured enough bottom end you should be able to use this as the main mic to build the kit sound around. 
There are two ways to position the ribbon mic: 

Facing down will give you a good full frequency image - plenty of bottom end to manipulate & clear highs.

best south london recording and rehearsal room in for musicians

Facing forwards will give you less clear low & high frequencies - but gives a superb, natural front to back distance - this mixed with the overheads is a killer combination for excellent, natural sounding drums. 
Give it a go!

best drum band recording studio in south london

You can see the studio website HERE
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