Valve Tube Microphone Mixer Pre Amp

best recording rehearsal studio south london
south london recording studio

Recording Studio South London Life! 

Here at The Coolest Recording Studio in South London - we're like the audio Ben & Jerry's - a whole gamut of flavours & tastes! 

In our search for audio perfection & diversity we've bought in a ton of recording studio equipment - some we keep - some we sell on - not because it's bad gear - it's just not right for us.
The Behemoth - now that's a keeper!

It's a four channel microphone mixer built for a radio station in 1952 which has the Biggest audio transformers we've ever seen - so the saturation or overdrive of any audio run through it is sublime! 
It's super on vocals, acoustic / classical instruments - but amazing on drums ! They go down to tape in near perfect form & just sit in the mix sounding all kindsa pretty ! 
Plus - it's got little green lights that glow when the channels are turned on:

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valve tube microphone mixer pre

 Radiophonic Workshop

or what !!!!!!!     

Best of all though - it has a beautiful valve equalizer that makes everything you run through it sound like Motown

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valve tube equaliser

So - we rigged him up to the patchbay - sat his ass on a shelf overseeing the control room - & now we got super lush valve recording & mixing beautifullness at our fingertips. 

best music producer and recording studio south london
classic valve tube microphone mixer

You can hear him in action recording drums at the bottom of the page - & you can see the studio HERE
best recording studio in london town !


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